The joys of heat waves

Day: 89

Location: Eckville Shelter

AT Mile: 2235.4

There’s a heat wave in PA right now. The average daytime temp has been mid 90s. The main perk of the heat is that it has forced me to slow down and rest more during the day. My mileage has gone down because I’ve been trying to do almost all of my miles before 1pm while afternoons are spent trying to stay cool—ideally laying near a water source.

Today, we hiked 15 miles out of Port Clinton, PA and the shelter by 1pm. This shelter is right off a road and we knew ~15 of our friends were coming too, so we called a shuttled and did a beer run to the nearest Walmart. The afternoon ended up being spent laying in the shade chilling with other hikers.

I’m looking forward to the heat breaking so I can go back to doing more miles, but this has been a nice change in pace.

In other news, I think I’ll be trying to get into NYC for a night in ~ 2 weeks. If you, or anyone you know would be interested/willing to host a couple of thru hikers for the night please let me know! In exchange for a place to lay out our pads, we’ll happily share stories from the trail.